Products includes super alloys in Pipe, Tube, Fitting, Flange, Sheet, Strip, Plate, Round Bar, Flat Bar, Fastener, Forging Stock, Hexagon and Wire.

Alloy 602 CA

Alloy 602 CA is a high-carbon nickel-chromium-iron alloy with additions of the micro-alloying elements titanium and zirconium together with aluminum and yttrium. It is normally supplied in the solution-annealed condition with an oxidized or descaled surface.

This alloy is characterized by excellent high-temperature creep properties; and Exceptional resistance to oxidation at higher temperatures, even under cyclic conditions. It also possesses very good high temperature corrosion resistance ub carburization and oxidizing/chlorinating media as well as under metal dusting conditions.

Available Product Forms:
Plate, Sheet, round bar

Inconel Alloy 22

INCONEL alloy 22 (UNS N06022; W. Nr. 2.4602; NiCr21Mo14W) is a fully austenitic advanced corrosion-resistant alloy that offers resistance to both aqueous corrosion and attack at elevated temperatures. This alloy provides exceptional resistance to general corrosion, pitting, crevice corrosion, intergranular attack, and stress corrosion cracking. Alloy 22 has found numerous applications in the chemical/petrochemical processing, pollution control (flue gas desulfurization), power, marine, pulp and paper processing, and waste disposal industries.

At elevated temperatures, the high chromium level of INCONEL alloy 22 helps it resist oxidation, carburization, and sulfidation. Since it is nickel-base, alloy 22 resists high temperature attack by halides (e.g., chlorides and fluorides). With these attributes, the alloy is widely used to protect steel tubes and other components in coal-fired and waste-to-energy boilers.

Available Product Forms:
Pipe, tube, fitting, flange, sheet, strip, plate, round bar, flat bar, fastener, forging stock, hexagon and wire

Inconel Alloy 600

INCONEL Alloy 600 (UNS N06600 W.Nr. 2.4816) is a standard engineering material for applications which require resistance to corrosion and heat. The alloy also has excellent mechanical properties and presents the desirable combination of high strength and good workability. The versatility of INCONEL alloy 600 has led to its use in a variety of applications involving temperatures from cryogenic to above 2000°F (1095°C).

Available Product Forms:
Pipe, tube, sheet, strip, plate, round bar, flat bar, forging stock, hexagon, wire and extruded.

Inconel Alloy 601

INCONEL alloy 601 (UNS N06601/W.Nr. 2.4851) is a general-purpose engineering material for applications that require resistance to heat and corrosion. An outstanding characteristic of INCONEL alloy 601 is its resistance to high- temperature oxidation. The alloy also has good resistance to aqueous corrosion, has high mechanical strength, and is readily formed, machined and welded. The alloy’s nickel base, in conjunction with substantial chromium content, provides resistance to many corrosive media and high- temperature environments. Oxidation resistance is further enhanced by the aluminum content.

The properties of INCONEL alloy 601 make it a material of broad utility in such fields as thermal processing, chemical processing, pollution control, aerospace, and power generation.

Available Product Forms:

Pipe, tube, sheet, strip, plate, round bar, flat bar, forging stock, hexagon and wire.

Inconel Alloy 617

INCONEL alloy 617 (UNS N06617/W.Nr. 2.4663a) is a solid-solution, strengthened, nickel-chromium-cobalt- molybdenum alloy with an exceptional combination of high-temperature strength and oxidation resistance.

The alloy also has excellent resistance to a wide range of corrosive environments, and it is readily formed and welded by conventional techniques.

The combination of high strength and oxidation resistance at temperatures over 1800°F (980°C) makes INCONEL alloy 617 an attractive material for such components as ducting, combustion cans, and transition liners in both aircraft and land-based gas turbines.

Available Product Forms:
Pipe, tube, sheet, strip, plate, round bar, flat bar, forging stock, hexagon, wire and extruded

Inconel Alloy 625

INCONEL nickel-chromium alloy 625 (UNS N06625/W.Nr. 2.4856) is used for its high strength, excellent fabricability (including joining), and outstanding corrosion resistance. Service temperatures range from cryogenic to 1800°F (982°C).

Strength of INCONEL alloy 625 is derived from the stiffening effect of molybdenum and niobium on its nickel-chromium matrix; thus precipitation-hardening treatments are not required. This combination of elements also is responsible for superior resistance to a wide range of corrosive environments of unusual severity as well as to high-temperature effects such as oxidation and carburization.

Available Product Forms:
Pipe, tube, sheet, strip, plate, round bar, flat bar, forging stock, hexagon, wire and extruded.

Inconel Alloy 690

INCONEL alloy 690 (UNS N06690/W. Nr. 2.4642) is a high-chromium nickel alloy having excellent resistance to many corrosive aqueous media and high- temperature atmospheres. In addition to its corrosion resistance, alloy 690 has high strength, good metallurgical stability, and favorable fabrication characteristics.

The substantial chromium content gives the alloy outstanding resistance to oxidizing chemicals and to high-temperature oxidizing gases. The high level of nickel imparts resistance to stress- corrosion cracking in chloride-containing environments as well as to sodium hydroxide solutions.

The properties of INCONEL alloy 690 are useful for various applications involving nitric or nitric/hydrofluoric acid solutions. Examples are tail-gas reheaters used in nitric acid production and heating coils and tanks for nitric/hydrofluoric solutions used in pickling of stainless steels and reprocessing of nuclear fuels.

The alloy’s resistance to sulfur-containing gases makes it an attractive material for such applications as coal-gasification units, burners and ducts for processing sulfuric acid, furnaces for petrochemical processing, recuperators, incinerators, and glass vitrification equipment for radioactive waste disposal.

In various types of high-temperature water, alloy 690 displays low corrosion rates and excellent resistance to stress-corrosion cracking. Thus, alloy 690 is widely used for steam generator tubes, baffles, tubesheets, and hardware in nuclear power generation.

Available Product Forms:
Plate, round bar, forging stock, pipe and tube

Inconel Alloy 718

INCONEL alloy 718 (UNS N07718/W.Nr. 2.4668) is a high-strength, corrosion-resistant nickel chromium material used at -423° to 1300°F.

The age-hardenable alloy can be readily fabricated, even into complex parts. Its welding characteristics, especially its resistance to postweld cracking, are outstanding. The ease and economy with which INCONEL alloy 718 can be fabricated, combined with good tensile, fatigue, creep, and rupture strength, have resulted in its use in a wide range of applications. Examples of these are components for liquid fueled rockets, rings, casings and various formed sheet metal parts for aircraft and land-based gas turbine engines, and cryogenic tankage. It is also used for fasteners and instrumentation parts.

Available Product Forms: 
Pipe, tube, sheet, strip, plate, round bar, flat bar, forging stock, hexagon, wire and extruded section.

Inconel Alloy 725

INCONEL alloy 725 (UNS N07725) is a nickel- chromium-molybdenum-niobium alloy that is highly resistant to corrosion and is age hardenable for extremely high strength. It has essentially the same corrosion resistance as INCONEL alloy 725, which is widely used in a broad range of severely corrosive environments. The strength of age-hardened INCONEL alloy 725 is of the order of twice that of annealed alloy 725. Because the strength of alloy 725 is developed by heat treatment, not by cold work, ductility and toughness remain high. Also, strength can be imparted to large or non-uniform sections that cannot be strengthened by cold work.

Available Product Forms:
Round bar and wire

Inconel Alloy C-276

INCONEL alloy C-276 (UNS N10276/W.Nr. 2.4819) is known for its corrosion resistance in a wide range of aggressive media. The high molybdenum content imparts resistance to localized corrosion such as pitting. The low carbon minimizes carbide precipitation during welding to maintain resistance to intergranular attack in heat-affected zones of welded joints. It is used in chemical processing, pollution control, pulp and paper production, industrial and municipal waste treatment and the recovery of “sour” natural gas. Applications in air pollution control include stack liners, ducts, dampers, scrubbers, stack-gas re-heaters, fans and fan housings. In chemical processing, the alloy is used for components including heat exchangers, reaction vessels, evaporators and transfer piping.

Available Product Forms:
Pipe, tube, fitting, flange, sheet, strip, plate, round bar, flat bar, fastener, forging stock, hexagon and wire

Inconel Alloy HX

INCONEL alloy HX (UNS N06002/W.Nr. 2.4665) is a high-temperature, matrix-stiffened, nickel-chromium- iron-molybdenum alloy with outstanding oxidation resistance, and exceptional strength at up to 2200°F (1200°C).

It is used for components such as combustion chambers, afterburners and tail pipes in aircraft and land-based gas turbine engines; for fans, roller hearths and support members in industrial furnaces, and in nuclear engineering.
INCONEL alloy HX is readily fabricated and welded.

Available Product Forms:
The alloy is available as rod, bar, billet, extruded section, plate, sheet, strip, wire, pipe and tube.

Inconel Alloy X750

INCONEL alloy X-750 (UNS N07750/W. Nr. 2.4669) is a precipitation-hardenable nickel-chromium alloy used for its corrosion and oxidation resistance and high strength at temperatures to 1300°F. Although much of the effect of precipitation hardening is lost with increasing temperature over 1300°F, heat-treated material has useful strength up to 1800°F. Alloy X-750 also has excellent properties down to cryogenic termperatures.

Depending on the application and the properties desired, various heat treatments are employed. For service above 1100°F, particularly where loads are to be sustained for long times, optimum properties are achieved by solution treating (2100°F) plus stabilization treating (1550°F) plus precipitation treating (1300°F). For service below 1100°F, the alloy may be strengthened by precipitation treating after hot or cold working or by precipitation treating after equalizing or solution treating. A furnace-cooling treatment is also used to develop optimum properties for some applications.

Available Product Forms:
Sheet, strip, plate, round bar, flat bar, forging stock, hexagon, wire, tube and extruded


ASTM B 163 Inconel 600  |  ASTM B 166 Inconel 600 |  ASTM B 751 Inconel 600 |  ASTM B 775 Inconel 600 |  ASTM B 167 Inconel 601 |  ASTM B 167 Inconel 601  |  ASTM B 751 Inconel 601  |  ASTM B 775 Inconel 601  |  ASTM B 444 Inconel 625  |  ASTM B 444 Inconel 625  |  ASTM B 704 / 751 Inconel 625  |  ASTM B 705 / 751 Inconel 625  |  ASTM B 407 Incoloy 800  |  ASTM B 163 Incoloy 800  |  ASTM B 358 Incoloy 800  |  ASTM B 515 Incoloy 800 |  ASTM B 407 Incoloy 800H |  ASTM B 163 Incoloy 800H  |  ASTM B 358 Incoloy 800H  |  ASTM B 515 Incoloy 800H  |  ASTM B 407 Incoloy 800HT |  ASTM B 163 Incoloy 800HT  |  ASTM B 358 Incoloy 800HT  |  ASTM B 515 Incoloy 800HT  |  ASTM B 163 Incoloy 825  |  ASTM B 423 Incoloy 825  |  ASTM B 704 Incoloy 825 |  ASTM B 705 Incoloy 825

Stainless Steel Pipe, Tube, Tubing

  • 304 Stainless Steel Pipe
  • 304 Stainless Steel Tube
  • 304 Stainless Steel Tubing
  • 304 Stainless Steel Seamless Pipe
  • 304 Stainless Steel Seamless Tube
  • 304 Stainless Steel Welded Tube
  • 304L Stainless Steel Pipe
  • 304L Stainless Steel Tube
  • 304L Stainless Steel Tubing
  • 316 Stainless Steel Pipe
  • 316 Stainless Steel Tube
  • 316 Stainless Steel Tubing
  • 316 Stainless Steel Seamless Pipe
  • 316 Stainless Steel Seamless Tube
  • 316L Stainless Steel Pipe
  • 316L Stainless Steel Tube
  • 316L Stainless Steel Tubing
  • 316L Stainless Steel Seamless Pipe
  • 316L Stainless Steel Welded Pipe
  • 316L Stainless Steel Seamless Tube

Duplex Steel Pipe, Tube, Tubing

  • Duplex Steel UNS S31803 Pipe
  • Duplex Steel UNS S31803 Tube
  • Duplex Steel UNS S32205 Pipe
  • Duplex Steel UNS S32205 Tube
  • Duplex Steel SAF 2205 Pipe
  • Duplex Steel SAF 2205 Tube
  • Super Duplex UNS S32750 Pipe
  • Super Duplex UNS S32750 Tube
  • Super Duplex UNS S32950 Pipe
  • Super Duplex UNS S32950 Tube
  • Super Duplex UNS S32760 Pipe
  • Super Duplex UNS S32760 Tube
  • Super Duplex SAF 2507 Pipe
  • Super Duplex SAF 2507 Tube
  • Super Duplex ZERON 100 Pipe
  • Super Duplex ZERON 100 Tube
  • Duplex steel 2205 pipe
  • 2205 Duplex steel tubing
  • Duplex 2205 tubing
  • saf 2507 tube

Nickel Alloy Steel Plate

  • Nickel 200 Stockist
  • Monel 400 Plate Supplier
  • Monel K-500 Plate Stockist
  • hastelloy X plate Supplier
  • Hastelloy C22 Plate Supplier
  • hastelloy C276 Plate Supplier
  • Alloy 20 Plate Supplier
  • Inconel 800 Plate Supplier
  • Inconel 825 Plate Supplier
  • Inconel 600 Plate Supplier
  • Inconel 625 Plate Supplier
  • Inconel 718 Stockist
  • High Nickel Alloys

Pressure Vessel Steel Plate

  • Sa 516 Gr.60 Plate Stockist
  • SA 516 Gr.65 Plate supplier
  • SA 516 Gr.70 Plate Manufacturer
  • P235GH Plate Stockist
  • P265Gh Plate Stockist
  • P275NH Plate Manufacturer
  • P295GH Plate Supplier
  • P355NL1 plate Supplier
  • A 537 Cl.1 Plates Supplier
  • A537 Cl.2 Stockist
  • A537 Cl.1 Chemical Compositions
  • P295Gh Plate Stockist
  • P275NH Plate Stockist